You will only benefit from the CopyCloset when you take full advantage of the scripts, formulas and lessons tucked inside for you. Now, let’s meet Jessica (or Jesse) to further explain this …

Jessica has been invited to a fabulous red-dress event. Now, she has a Closet filled with multiple designer red dresses, shoes and purses that would be perfect for the event, but she first has to step inside the Closet to see what she has.

Now, because Jessica knows where she’s going and knows the look she’s going for, the time she spends inside her Closet is going to be worthwhile and focused.

But imagine how much time Jessica would spend inside her Closet if she had no idea what she was looking for. Wow, that could be a daylong or even an all week situation trying to find the right outfit. But lucky for Jessica, she has her marching orders – a red dress only.

And for my CopyCloset guys, we’ll change the name to Jesse and switch out the red dress to a black suit.

Now, that brings us to YOUR experience inside the CopyCloset.

You see, when you step inside knowing what you’re looking for, you’ll be able to take immediate action. And it’s cool if you want to browse around, but on those days, we want you to take notes and plan your steps, so you make the most out of every trip inside the CopyCloset.

Now, ideally, you’ll know, for example, you need an email series. You’ll slide over to the most recent CopyCloset Style Guide and search for the word “emails.” From there, you’ll have narrowed your search and will have a plan of attack to find the emails you need to take IMMEDIATE ACTION.

So, we suggest you set aside browser days where you take notes on critical things you want or need to do and set aside time to come back inside the CopyCloset to EXECUTE on those vital things.

Need help figuring out what you should do FIRST? Book a FREE call with Apryl to map out your money-making message approach.

Book your call now.

Note: We schedule FREE 15-minute calls on a first-come-first-serve basis. Once available dates/times are gone for the month, you’ll need to wait until the following month to book your free call.

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