April 23 2020

REPLAY CRITIQUE TIMES 01:40 – Emerald 07:15 – Claudia 11:08 – Ebony 13:25 – Tasha 15:15 – Lawrese 16:32 – Leo 22:32 – Gia 29:41 – Saundra 44:50 – Stephanie 52:47 – LaShandra 59:42 – Hope

April 23, 2020 Replay

Check the presentation slides here. Review the chat here. REPLAY CRITIQUE TIMES 01:40 – Emerald 07:15 – Claudia 11:08 – Ebony 13:25 – Tasha 15:15 – Lawrese 16:32 – Leo 22:32 – Gia 29:41 – Saundra 44:50 – Stephanie 52:47 – LaShandra 59:42 – Hope

April 9, 2020 Replay

Check the presentation slides here. Review the chat here. REPLAY CRITIQUE TIMES 19:30 – Aisha 30:06 – Valesca 38:37 – Tequilla 43:47 – Leo 49:01 – Tasha 1:00:49 – Chelsey

CopyCloset Training 10: WERK Your Words

When you’re exposed to too many strategies, lessons, formulas and just stuff, it can be difficult to take action. That’s why we’re here to give you human support and guidance on where to start, how to move forward and what to do to WERK your words. In this training, we don’t want to give you […]

CopyCloset Training 9: Quick Cash

Steady money is not typically something we can count on as entrepreneurs. Sure, you may have recurring income and retainer clients, but if they decide not to pay you … you’re pretty much stuck. And “stuck” ain’t the place to be when it comes to your money. That’s why today, we’re sharing a money-in-the-bag social […]

CopyCloset Training 8: Concierge Services

Some online memberships are content ONLY. And while that’s cool … that’s NOT how we roll over here inside the CopyCloset. You see, we realize handing you a bunch of templates, scripts and formulas, while helpful, are not enough to transform how you communicate in writing. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the […]

CopyCloset Training 7: The Million-Dollar Secret

And the million-dollar secret for getting inside the pretty little heads of your audience members is … BENEFITS. Now, if you choose to ignore this message, you may as well pick up now and try a new business that sells to something other than humans. Real talk … benefits sell. But do you know why? […]

CopyCloset Training 6: Humans Buy

Human beings are biologically wired to want these core Hot 8 things: The Hot 8 1. Survival and life fulfillment 2. Enjoyment of food/drinks 3. Sexual companionship 4. Freedom from fear, pain and danger 5. Comfy living conditions 6. To outperform/win and keep up with the Joneses 7. Care for and protect loved ones 8. […]

CopyCloset Training 5: Confidence Sells

Words matter. And that’s why it’s so super important for you to choose your words wisely. Even ONE wrong phrase can send your prospects and leads running into the arms of another designer, writer, editor, make-up artist, cosmetics retailer and so on. Today, we’ll highlight a few of these confidence-sucking words and phrases and lead […]

CopyCloset Training 4: Quick Money

The CopyCloset was created to give you the words you need to attract, engage and excite your audience. And they will do that when you take action. For example, new member Samantha stepped right in and used an email tucked inside the Swag Bag O’ Scripts to book THREE new clients. #Boom Now, here’s how […]